Trading part-time
Most people have a full-time job and want to trade part-time. There are ways to do so. One way is to use bigger time frame charts. The downside to this way of trading the markets is your stop loss and take profits need to be a bit further out. It is reasonable to do so if you are in a trending market and have a longer-term perspective on the market. Also, you need a strong mindset to stick to this because once you open a trade, it could get draining and an obsession to follow the trade day and night. Driving you crazy. This approach needs good planning and a degree of patience. If you have neither then forget it. This is not going to work out for you.
The second way is to use astrology and price to determine trade hours and prices. For this approach, you need to understand technical analysis and astrology and when you have both of these then you will be able to calculate the day and the hour that you should be trading. This is the best way to trade! No other approach will give you day and hour and price, only astrology and technical analysis used together.
This way you can actually trade part-time as a day trader or a swing trader. You will be able to plan your day to the hour! This is probably the most amazing way to trade!
Trading full time
If you want to trade full-time as a day trader then obviously your trading strategy, discipline, and time all need to be managed well.
I have had many students who started trading and were not capable of these things thus spending sleepless nights and stressful hours looking at the screen.
Trading full-time can be very profitable and fun as you make money. However, establishing this can be a drama if you do not have a mentor trader. The best way to establish your approach to the market is to learn from a trader side by side and then plan your approach according to how you want to trade. Different people have different lifestyles and daily routines. Understanding your situation and how to adapt to the market successfully requires a hands-on approach and experience. This includes planning and understanding the timings in the market.